Map visualizing refugees flows from Ukraine to neigboring countries
Data Analysis

Refugee flows from Ukraine

More than four million people have fled Ukraine because of the war. This means that more than 9% of the country’s population before 24 February are refugees.

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The map shows the total numbers of refugees from Ukraine, by neighboring host country, as of 24 February onwards, according to data recorded and published by UNHCR on its Operational Data Portal.

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Poland, Romania, Moldova and Hungary have received the largest numbers of refugees so far, while Russia, Slovakia and Belarus complete the list of the seven neighboring host countries. More than 300,000 thousand people had been displaced to “other European countries”, according to the relevant figures, published by UNHCR on March 11, 2022 for the last time.

In both the map above and the table below, the sum of refugees in individual neighboring host countries may be slightly inflated compared to the total number of refugees from Ukraine due to overlaps in UNHCR’s data regarding cases of people who, initially, arrived in one host country and then crossed the border to another final destination –as is the case between Romania and Moldova.

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The increase in displaced people outside Ukraine was exponential on the first days of the war , as shown in the graph below, which shows the cumulative evolution of refugee flows.

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More than 15,000 people have arrived in Greece by 31 March, 2022 as a result of refugee flows from Ukraine, according to figures published by the Greek Ministry of Migration and Asylum.

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The map and graphs are constantly updated with the latest data and are embeddable into third-party websites. This piece is part of the iMEdD’s Observatory on Ukraine, which can be found here.

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