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incubator: The 10 Projects of the 2nd Cycle were presented shortly before their completion.

After a year full of creativity, collaborations, hard work, but also setbacks, 10 projects developed by 15 creators for the Incubator’s second cycle – which are now in the final stages of completion – were presented in an online event for the first time on December 21.

The event, which was attended by more than 100 people, including the five- member independent committee that selected the projects, featured project presentations by the creators, who spoke about their experience and answered audience questions.

The projects presented in the Incubator’s second cycle include:

Kostas Koukoumakas Ι Multimedia Investigation

A look into the economy of legal and illegal cannabis through investigative reporting in Greece, North Macedonia and Albania. Part of the project has already been featured in BBC News and VICE.

Eirini Vourloumis Ι Documentary

The award-winning photojournalist’s first attempt to create a feature length documentary as she follows three taxi drivers and captures Athens through their eyes.

Giannis Adamidis & Timos Papadopoulos Ι Company

A company for the production of multimedia news content aimed at adding quality to media publications, especially websites.

Giorgos Iliopoulos & Sofia Exarchou Ι Documentary 

The island of Imbros and the coexistence of its displaced residents attracted the interest of the director, who spent 40 days with them in an effort to gain their trust and become integrated into their daily lives.

Sarah Souli Ι Investigation

An ongoing investigation (and an attempt to bring justice to the victims) into the murders of three women from Afghanistan, whose bodies were found in October 2018.

Giorgos Moutafis Ι Archive Organization for Documentary Production

The established photographer has dedicated the past thirteen years on a project on immigration, focusing on the dangerous routes to Europe migrants follow. The photographer decided to organize this crucial and huge archive with the intention of creating a documentary.

Alexia Tsangari Ι Documentary 

An investigative documentary that dares to shed light on the harsh reality of health problems, environmental pollution and economic interests surrounding the use of pesticides in agriculture.

Nick Malkoutzis & Phoebe Fronista Ι Podcast 

A series of 13 podcasts on current affairs, with commentary, field reporting, interviews, and expert opinions, for macropolis.gr.

Marianna Economou, Rea Apostolidou, Myrto Papadopoulou Ι Multimedia Documentary

Elefsina, European Capital of Culture 2021, reveals its modern mysteries to the three creators, whose focus lies on the deafening silence around abandoned shipwrecks at the bottom of the sea, extensive water and air pollution, as well as the closed local community.

Marianna Kakakounaki Ι Documentary 

The journalist spends several months with a doctor and a family from Turkey who fled to Greece after the attempted coup in their home country and follows them as they try to rebuild their lives and shift away from Invisibility to Visibility.

The event was moderated by the Incubator Project Managers, Nikolas Aronis and Dimitris Bounias.