‘Dead’ Versus ‘Killed’: A Closer Look at the Media Bias in Reporting Israel-Palestine Conflict
Opinion article – The power of networks for Investigative Journalism
Emilia Díaz-Struck | Training and resource sharing are key to strengthening the (journalistic) community. Networking allows us to find answers together and explore opportunities.
SNF Dialogues: Spectators or Citizens?
In a media world where information often turns into "infotainment" and journalism risks becoming tabloid-like, the SNF Dialogues event "Spectators or Citizens?" explored the relationship between media and civic engagement.
Opinion article – Why we gather: A short letter on the importance of journalism forums
Cristian Lupșa | We gather to keep going, to find partners to collaborate with, to get ideas on how to become better in the field and stronger as organizations.
The pre-election discourse, the post-election environment and artificial intelligence in political analysis
Nine experts from the fields of political science and communication, computer science and journalism write about the post-election political scene, the campaigns leading up to the elections and the contribution of artificial intelligence to political analysis and journalism.
The future of artificial intelligence in political analysis
Computer science Professor Nick Bassiliades provides insights on iMEdD Lab's research on the analysis of pre-election political discourse.
ChatGPT as a journalistic source
A journalist discusses the role of artificial intelligence in the everyday life of journalists.
Political discourse and the art of persuasion
Insights on the campaign speeches leading up to the 2023 double elections