Young journalists will reimagine a better press
A new generation of journalists will redefine the press, focusing on truth, accountability, and strengthening democracy.
Newsrooms reinvent their political journalism
Newsrooms must rethink political journalism in 2025, prioritizing data, relevance, and connecting stories to people’s lives.
Journalism education leads the change we seek
Journalism education in 2025 will tackle misinformation, embrace AI, foster global perspectives, and support diversity and local news.
Local collaboration follows contraction
As readers reengage with trusted news, local focus, collaboration, and quality reporting will shape journalism’s future.
The distinct human writer becomes more essential
Journalists will face two new issues: mobile-first storytelling and AI, reshaping content creation and the writing process.
Put AI at the beginning, not at the end
Generative AI isn’t a one-click solution; it enhances workflows when used strategically and guided by human input.
Accommodating journalists is in — or you’re out
Journalism's future depends on balancing excellence with compassion and accommodations for those colleagues facing health issues.
Watch your language
Journalists must choose words carefully, ensuring that their coverage informs accurately and respects the dignity of all people.
“Unwrapping” Stories That Matter from 2024
In a year dominated by breaking news and viral moments, many journalistic projects stood out for their quality, insight, and relevance. As 2024 concludes, the iMEdD team reflects on pieces of journalism that left a meaningful impression on them, even if they have yet to dominate the journalism awards circuit. What follows is a list of stories, podcasts, documentaries, and initiatives—a celebration of exceptional projects that are must-reads, must-watches, and must-listens—reminding us of journalism’s enduring power to inform, provoke, and inspire.