Crisis Reporting Resource

“Trapped in Gaza” with Palestinian Journalist Shuruq As’ad

Listen to the interview with Palestinian Journalist Shuruq As’ ad in the “SMALL TALK” podcast series.

The Hamas attack on October 7 has triggered a major crisis in the Middle East. At a time when international geopolitical balances are being affected, civilians in Gaza are trying to survive the incessant bombardment, facing unprecedented shortages of water and food, and dealing with destroyed infrastructure.

Israel’s ban on free entry into Gaza for journalists from international media has limited the sources of information: on the one hand, we have coverage from journalists embedded with Israeli forces; on the other, Palestinian journalists are trying to survive while conveying what is happening to the rest of the world.

iMEdD spoke with award-winning Palestinian journalist Shuruq As’ad, a spokesperson for the Palestinian Journalist Syndicate among other things, about the conditions in Gaza and how trapped press professionals are surviving. We also asked her to comment on the one-sidedness of primary information and the attitude of the Western media in covering the war.