Greece’s inflation rate hits its highest level since 1994
The annual inflation rate in Greece rose to 11.3% in May 2022. The increase is mainly due to the – even higher – increases in the prices of food commodities, housing and transportation.
The poorest countries around the world are also highly dependent on wheat imports from Ukraine and Russia
Food insecurity is increasing as a result of historically high food inflation, export restrictions and the dependence of many countries on basic foodstuff imports from Ukraine and Russia. What do the data suggest about the global imports and exports of foodstuffs and fertilizers.
The spread of coronavirus in Greece within 1′
Animated chart showing cases per 100k, by region of Greece.
Global food prices still hit 60-year record high in 2022
Global food prices in 2022 still hit a record high since 1961, according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization’s (FAO) latest food price index
Prisons remained unprotected during the 4th wave of the pandemic
Measures to limit the transmission of coronavirus in Greek prisons did not work, resulting in a 1.4 times higher spread compared to the general population.
Refugee flows from Ukraine
Οι ροές των προσφύγων από την Ουκρανία προς τις γειτονικές ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, σε χάρτες και γραφήματα.
Overcrowding, isolation, and shrinking of human rights in Greek prisons
A European cross-border investigation by 12 newsrooms examines the pandemic in prisons.
Residential property accounts for 38% of personal assets “lost” in auctions linked to banks
In the last 3.5 years, more than 46 000 auctions have taken place via the online auction service. In 66% of cases, multiple auctions were required to settle a single debt, and in half of the cases, debt repayment was not possible, based on the starting price.