The spread of coronavirus in Greece within 1′
Animated chart showing cases per 100k, by region of Greece.
The datasets that describe what happened during the pandemic in the Greek and European prisons
We share data about the pandemic in Greek and European prisons.
Prisons remained unprotected during the 4th wave of the pandemic
Measures to limit the transmission of coronavirus in Greek prisons did not work, resulting in a 1.4 times higher spread compared to the general population.
Overcrowding, isolation, and shrinking of human rights in Greek prisons
A European cross-border investigation by 12 newsrooms examines the pandemic in prisons.
How many 30 somethings are getting the jab, by sex
Estimations on how citizens aged between 30 and 39, who have booked a vaccination appointment, break down by sex.
COVID-19 Data Dispatch: an independent self-publication sharing the latest news about the pandemic in the US
Betsy Ladyzhets, a data journalist covering science issues, talks to us about her website, the community she built around it, the sustainability and future of the project, and her key findings regarding the quality of American COVID-19 data.
The methodology for analyzing excess mortality data
How we analyzed Greece's excess mortality rate for the year 2020.
The data on deaths inside and outside the ICU during the second wave of the pandemic
Seven out of ten COVID-19 related deaths occurred outside the ICU, during Greece’s second wave of the pandemic.