Digital transformation in the newsroom: lessons from the South China Morning Post, La Nación, and the Wall Street Journal
Celia Tsigka
Data Journalism
iMEdD dives into the sphere of digital transformation in journalism by interviewing three leaders in the field and uncovering firsthand their 'good practice' handbooks.
ICIJ and the Pandora Papers
Thanasis Troboukis
The Director of the ICIJ talks about journalism, the Pandora Papers and the future of the organization.
COVID-19 Data Dispatch: an independent self-publication sharing the latest news about the pandemic in the US
Kelly Kiki
How To
Betsy Ladyzhets, a data journalist covering science issues, talks to us about her website, the community she built around it, the sustainability and future of the project, and her key findings regarding the quality of American COVID-19 data.
The design thinking process in journalism
iMEdD Lab
How To
Director of The Sulzberger Executive Leadership Program at Columbia Journalism School, Corey Ford, explains the need that design thinking addresses to, when applied to journalism.