How did we analyse the armed groups conflicts in the Middle East
The methodology for the data analysis on violent interactions involving armed non-state actors in the Middle East in 2023 and 2024.
Rebels, Militias and Terrorists: The Non-State Agents in the Middle East
Armed groups outside state control compete to seize power the day after. What is the relationship between them and which countries support them?
Armaments: Israel and the Others
Data from the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) on international arms transfers to Israel, Syria, Iran, Lebanon, Yemen and Palestine. What does the data on the quantity and origin of transfers show?
Military Expenditure in the Middle East: Who Spends More?
Turkey and Israel increased their military expenditure more in 2023 than in 2022. A large percentage of GDP is spent on military expenditure for the economically struggling Lebanon.
MyCoast app: A data analysis of leasing agreements for beaches in Greece
A statistical analysis of 9,170 beach and coastal concessions as presented in the MyCoast application.
In Greece, more people abstained from voting than participated in the European elections
Although abstention from European elections remained essentially stable in the European Union as a whole compared to 2019, in Greece, it increased by 17.3 percentage points from the previous European elections.
Increased risk of fires this summer after three years of drought in Greece
This winter's high temperatures and lack of rainfall are a troubling recipe for the summer ahead.
The Undeclared War on Women in Europe
Femicide and the rise of violence against women in Europe during the pandemic. A cross-border data investigation by MIIR conducted for the first time on the subject in Europe.