Some resources for following the invasion of Ukraine
Nieman Lab - resources for following the invasion of Ukraine
Tips for reporting on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
ICFJ - Tips for journalists covering the invasion of Ukraine
15 Tips for Investigating War Crimes
GIJN - 15 tips and techniques for investigating war crimes.
Essential Steps for Journalists in Emergency Situations
GIJN - list of what documents to gather as well as which organizations support journalists with relocation.
Europe is no longer afraid of nationalising companies
Nationalising companies is no longer a taboo topic for the European Union's state members.
Pay up or put it off: how Europe treats depression and anxiety
In many European countries, the availability of psychological treatment in the public healthcare system is inadequate or even non-existent.
What does “95% efficacy” mean?
What do the vaccine efficacy rates indicate for our everyday lives and what do we expect from the vaccination?
How Covid-19 affected migrants and refugees’ health
With COVID-19 in the spotlight, refugees and undocumented migrants disappeared from public attention.