Why Telegram became the go-to app for Ukrainians – despite being rife with Russian disinformation
Conversation - The instant messaging app Telegram has surfaced as one of the most important channels through which to do so. But what is it about Telegram that has millions flocking to it amid the chaos?
Refugee flows from Ukraine
Οι ροές των προσφύγων από την Ουκρανία προς τις γειτονικές ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, σε χάρτες και γραφήματα.
Ukraine coverage shows gender roles are changing on the battlefield and in the newsroom
Conversation - Gender roles are changing
Propaganda and Hysteria Flourish in Russo-Ukrainian War
BIRN - The conflict is stimulating propaganda, misinformation and mass hysteria all over the region.
Maps show –and hide– key information about Ukraine war
Conversation - Professor Timothy Barney analyses the role of maps on Ukraine War
Ukraine’s economy went from Soviet chaos to oligarch domination to vital global trader of wheat and neon – and now Russian devastation
Conversation - Prof. Yuriy Gorodnichenko on Ukraine Economy
Old Risks, New Facts for the Safety of War Correspondents
iMEdD Team - The Russian invasion of Ukraine -a war at the heart of Europe in the 21st century- has created a new status quo.